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Join Rebecca McPhail, president of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association, for a behind the scenes look at some of the state’s manufacturers. The array of products made in West Virginia is extremely diverse and the innovative processes used are by all standards, world class. The companies highlighted in this series are proud of their history and accomplishments, and relationships with their employees and local communities. Each short video leaves you with a sense of great pride in West Virginia’s amazing manufacturers!

This leading global producer of original automotive parts is located along the Big Sandy River in the town of Prichard. An Italian company with 42 plants worldwide, Sogefi’s West Virginia plant is its only plant in the United States. The company specializes in filtration, air management and engine cooling systems, and supplies several major auto manufacturers with fluid filtration products.

Sogefi employs 360 people in Prichard who make complex products using advanced technologies. Employees in Prichard are proud that their plant is now one of the largest and most productive Sogefi plants worldwide. The future is bright for this growing automotive manufacturer.