

WVMAConn 2023 1040x150 2

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Join Rebecca McPhail, president of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association, for a behind the scenes look at some of the state’s manufacturers. The array of products made in West Virginia is extremely diverse and the innovative processes used are by all standards, world class. The companies highlighted in this series are proud of their history and accomplishments, and relationships with their employees and local communities. Each short video leaves you with a sense of great pride in West Virginia’s amazing manufacturers!

The West Virginia Manufacturers Association’s Made with WV Pride series has traveled to Fairmont for a visit at ND Paper, a subsidiary of the Nine Dragons Paper Holding Ltd.

ND Paper operates a recycled pulp mill that has operated in the community since the mid-1990s. ND Fairmont manufactures and distributes recycled pulp used in a wide range of products, from packaging to tissue paper.

With a prime location in north-central West Virginia, the mill has an annual production capacity of approximately 218,000 metric tons and is one of only three in the world that produces air-dried recycled pulp.

ND Paper Fairmont’s general manager, Steve Demyon, takes WVMA President Rebecca McPhail on a tour of their facility and shows her the full production line.