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During this election cycle, we heard from pundits, candidates, and our neighbors that Washington, D.C., is not getting enough done.

While it’s not yet clear what the election results mean to our state or Washington, a little-known federal transportation agency is already taking action on freight-rail issues that will mean a lot to the more than 48,000 men and women who work in West Virginia’s manufacturing sector.

These improvements to freight rail policy are important to our state because West Virginia manufacturers and energy producers send and receive more than 106 million tons of products a year by rail, according to the most recent data available from the Association of American Railroads.

- See more at: http://www.wvgazettemail.com/daily-mail-commentary/20161117/rebecca-mcphail-getting-west-virginias-economy-back-on-track-daily-mail#sthash.UUYqcpha.dpuf