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Celebrated annually on the first Friday in October, National Manufacturing Day shines a light on modern manufacturing careers by encouraging companies and educational institutions around the nation to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders.  Things may look different this year due to COVID-19 but that is even more reason to share the importance of manufacturing in today’s world.  

West Virginia manufacturing companies were deemed essential businesses during the global pandemic and quickly responded to calls for personal protection equipment, hand sanitizers and other critical supplies.  “WVMA companies continued their important work during this unprecedented time and stepped up when they were needed most.  We salute you every day but especially on National Manufacturing Day,” said WVMA President Rebecca McPhail.

The WVMA encourages you to share your stories and engage with future creators!  Please post on your social media platforms today, and throughout October, about the cool things your company is doing to further manufacturing in West Virginia.  

Use #WVMA, #MFGDay20 and #CreatorsWanted in all your posts.